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The Perspectives Podcast

Apr 22, 2020

Mathias, a missionary with Jesus Revolution in Oslo, Norway joins us. He shares his experience during this quarantine and gives us insight on what it has been like up in Norway during this time. We discuss being a missionary with Jesus Revolution, changing our perspective on our plans that have been cancelled due to the virus, how he’s using the extra time that he’s been given, and not placing ministry over our relationship with Jesus.


Connect with Mathias:
Mathias IG: @saeter

Jesus Revolution IG: @jesusrevolution



IG: @PerspectivesWorldwide

Josue IG: @ButtermanJosue

Chase IG: @Whereischasebrown

(Edited by Ryan Rasmussen)

(We are recording this series via Zoom, so please excuse the sound glitches)