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The Perspectives Podcast

Sep 2, 2020

Jordan, native Australian and friend of the podcast joins us. He shares his story of growing up in Australia, traveling to America on holiday, and the crazy journey of faith and love that God took him on while he was in the States. We discuss the fruit of patience, the uniquenesses of Australian culture, a possible collective motive behind the American focus on work, the valuable role of Hillsong in the Kingdom, Jordan getting invested into American society rather than being apathetic, the Road to Wigan Pier by George Orwell, the laid down life, and the struggle of Americans to look objectively.


Connect with Jordan:
Jordan IG: @Jordan_j___



IG: @PerspectivesWorldwide

Josue IG: @ButtermanJosue

Chase IG: @Whereischasebrown

(Edited by Ryan Rasmussen)