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The Perspectives Podcast

Sep 10, 2021

Philip – born in Ghana raised in America, friend, truck driver, and member of the serve team for Deep Love  joins us on the podcast. He shares what it’s like the be a truck driver, the pressures, the joys. He also shares his testimony, coming to want a relationship with the Lord in college, and the story of his family’s move to America that is still in progress.


We discuss the day in the life of a truckdriver, the beauty of America, stewarding our moments well, how to deal with loneliness, the difference between being alone and being lonely, the consequences of looking at things as burdens, as well as what the Ghanaian and American cultures could learn from one another.


Connect with Philip:

Philip IG: @philaft


YouTube: The Perspectives Podcast


IG: @PerspectivesWorldwide

Josue IG: @ButtermanJosue

Chase IG: @Whereischasebrown

Grayson IG: @GraysonHuskey

(Edited by Ryan Rasmussen)