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The Perspectives Podcast

Apr 28, 2023

Ronaldo –  Pastor, Photographer, and Friend joins Josue and Chase in this episode. Ronaldo shares what the Lord has been walking him through in life, him stepping up into leadership of a student ministry, growing in leadership, and how he's grown in loving people through the process.

We discuss team building, the power of mentors, handling the image of perfections students have of you, promoting leaders from within rather than hiring from the outside, and a lot of other things.


Connect with Ronaldo:

Ronaldo IG: @theronaldomario


AVAILABLE ON YouTube: The Perspectives Podcast



IG: @PerspectivesWorldwideinc

Josue IG: @ButtermanJosue

Chase IG: @whereischaseabrown

Grayson IG: @GraysonHuskey

Intro Song: "Places to See" by Lani Rose