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The Perspectives Podcast

Oct 22, 2021

Josh – Traveler and Global Pastor at Gateway Church joins Josue and Chase on the podcast. He recaps his summer leading the Gateway Global Ministry Experience – a 5 country in 10 weeks trip, some of the best moments of the trip, miracles healings and salvations on the trip, what I was like traveling during COVID, the experience of taking his family on the trip, and lessons he learned from the cultures he interacted with.


We discuss the details of the trip, the challenges that came up, a renewed awe for healing after not being able to travel for over a year, what keeps people in the West from praying about physical healings when we do about mental or spiritual things, conflict resolution, and not being able to exchange production for presence.


Connect with Josh:

Josh IG: @joshlebel


YouTube: The Perspectives Podcast


IG: @PerspectivesWorldwide

Josue IG: @ButtermanJosue

Chase IG: @Whereischasebrown

Grayson IG: @GraysonHuskey

(Edited by Ryan Rasmussen)