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The Perspectives Podcast

Jan 6, 2022

Alaina – Friend and Family Services professional in the state of Texas joins us on the podcast. We are able to have a little child care talk, family service talk, psychology talk, mental health talk, and marriage talk. A lot of topics, but was a great conversation to have!


Alaina shares about her story, her years studying and interest in psychology, how she became involved in foster care and family services work, how the process works in the State of Texas, the benefits of adopting through foster care, the mental health challenges of the kids and the parents and the professionals in foster care, the trauma present, learning boundaries, and her encouragement to any kid in foster care.


Connect with Alaina:

Alaina IG: @alainaporth



All Podcasts are now on YouTube: The Perspectives Podcast




IG: @PerspectivesWorldwide

Josue IG: @ButtermanJosue

Chase IG: @Whereischasebrown

Grayson IG: @GraysonHuskey

(Edited by Ryan Rasmussen)